Are you tired of spending countless hours planning for differentiation and managing your classroom systems?

Click the link below, and I’ll send you my FREE guide to help you start simplifying your classroom systems so you can get back your time.

Meet the author

Welcome, I’m Katy!

I’m a fashion loving, small-town wife and mama to two. I am currently stepping into a new role as SPED teacher after taking a year of family leave, but I have taught first and third grade for the past 10 years. After I had my daughter back in 2019, I experienced extreme burn-out in the profession. I wasn’t doing a very good job managing my classroom systems, and I found myself staying wayyy too late and bringing work home almost every weekend to keep my head above water. I knew something had to change if I wanted to remain in the classroom, so I made it my mission to create simplified classroom systems so I could find my passion for teaching again and create a better work/life balance. I am extremely passionate about whole group classroom management and instruction, and I am here to help my fellow teacher friends find the same joy in this challenging, yet rewarding profession by sharing my simplified classroom systems and tips that actually work!

I hope you’ll stay awhile.

latest in the shop

Say goodbye to Overwhelm

never ending planning

I will help teachers simplify lesson planning and utilize whole group instruction to deliver strong Tier One instruction with less differentiation.

blurting during lessons

I will help teachers make their lessons engaging so students do not get off-task as easily and help them manage blurting while not derailing a lesson.

Morning routine

I will help teachers master their morning routine by adding morning meeting to set everyone up for a great day!

My Teaching Style is Different

I am a huge believer in the importance of setting up strong classroom routines and management at the beginning of the school year. When students can become a partner in the leadership of the classroom and a strong classroom community is developed, magic happens with academics. Positive community sets stage for learning and growing to thrive.