Hey, there! I’m Katy Hoffman.

Wife. Mama. Teacher & your whole group bestie!
I’m a small town girl with big dreams in this online teacher space, but it wasn’t always this way. After my sweet daughter came into this world, I was struggling to find a work/life balance as a new teacher mom. I was completely stressed and overwhelmed trying to stay on top of everything, and I began to lose my spark for teaching. I decided to take a leap of faith, leave a school that I loved, and try a Reading Specialist position at a different school. While I enjoyed the change of pace and a break from the classroom, my spark for teaching continued to dwindle. It was actually terrifying to experience something that I once loved become something that I questioned every single day. I remember wanting to do anything besides step into that school, and I tried different online side hustles with little success. I had all but made up my mind that I was going to quit that summer, when a last minute third grade position opened up in August of 2021. Although it didn’t seem logical, I jumped in with both feet, and I will forever be grateful that I gave it one last shot. Incredibility, the spark reignited instantly. As I prepped and planned, I knew this year would need to look and feel different. I have always had a knack for classroom management, but I really wanted to focus wholeheartedly on building relationships with and among my students. I was giving my career another chance to bring me happiness, and my hope was that a strong classroom family would make coming to work a blessing, even on the hard days.