Teacher Mom Life Changed When I Fully Embraced It

Teacher Mom Identity Crisis

If you had asked me back in January of 2021 if the title, “teacher mom” was something that I treasured….I’d have either laughed in your face nervously or started crying. True story…one of my friends, who basically became my therapist…bless her heart, had suggested that I use the phrase, “I am a mom who works” instead of “working mom.”

I hung onto that. Because truth be told, I was struggling. I had lived, breathed, and fully embraced the lifestyle of a teacher for six years before my sweet daughter entered the world. So I was in full blown teacher mom identity crisis two years into motherhood. It was not looking promising.

I knew something had to change. I either needed to quit for a while or put on my big girl pants and make it work. Financially, we weren’t in a very stable place for me to stay home. So big girl pants it was…but how? How would I make the shift so I could actually enjoy my new teacher mom life? Because heaven knows that my husband, family, and friends were over hearing me complain and dream about a new life.

Owning the Teacher Mommy Title

But that’s the problem? I already have an AMAZING life, a truly blessed and wonderful life. So what was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I stay rooted in the present moment. I started listening to podcasts and audio books that would help fix my broken mindset around being a teacher mom. Self-care became a priority. I carved out time in the morning for MYSELF, and I found a coach that led me here.

As soon as my mindset changed, everything about my teacher mom lifestyle became more manageable. I created systems and organizational structures that have allowed me to not only enjoy being a teacher mommy, but I am actually thriving inside the classroom again. I am always going to be a work-in-progress, but I finally feel like I am a new version of my old self.

My Why Behind a Teacher Mom Blog

So why start a blog and business? I am a full-time classroom teacher and have a family to take care of. I went back and forth for months on what exactly I wanted to create and share with the world. Initially, I wanted to start a blog, but I took a few detours, and here we are full-circle. I know the dark, and empty world of being a brand new mom trying to still balance a teacher lifestyle. It is lonely, uncertain, and identity crushing. And it shouldn’t be, because motherhood is beautiful. It adds another level of chaos, but nonetheless, mother is the most beautiful and treasured title a woman can ever hold.

So if I can share my story and the things that I have learned to develop a better relationship with the title, “teacher mom,” you know I’m going to go for it. I love helping other women find and embrace their true potential. I am definitely doing this scared, but if not now…when?

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will stay awhile.

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