What to Say in a Teacher Interview to Land a Job


Calling all pre-service teachers and my teacher friends looking to apply to a different school or district!! It’s that time of year where school districts are visiting job-fairs and filling vacant teaching positions. You’re in luck, because I’ve got some juicy tips for you so you can confidently know what to say in a teacher interview to land a job this Spring.

New Teacher Interview Tips


Tip #1 Dress to Impress – First impressions are EVERYTHING!! Make sure you look polished and well-put-together for your interview. I would definitely wear something business casual. Think dresses, skirts, dress pants, button down & tie for males.

Tip #2 Be Prepared – Research the district where you are interviewing. Do they use CCSS or their own state standards? Do they value tradition, or are they open to new and fresh ideas? Being prepared with certain vocabulary will help you know what to say in a teacher interview. Some districts will require you a teach a short lesson to the interview panel. Make sure you are prepared and have practiced. You may also want to bring a portfolio of lesson examples or a unit you have taught. (It’s good to have, but in my experience, districts typically don’t even look at portfolios.)

Classroom Management Interview Questions


Tip #3 Confidence is Key! – We all know that teachers nationwide are struggling with CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT! This is going to be a heavy-hitter when it comes to your interview. Be prepared for questions similar to those listed below so you know what to say in a teacher interview when it comes to behavior management.

  • Why is classroom management important in teaching?
  • What sort of classroom management system would you use in your classroom?
  • How would you handle a student with severe behavior? (i.e. – throwing classroom furniture, physical aggression, etc.)
  • How do you ensure an inclusive classroom environment?
  • How would you handle an angry parent?
  • What would you do to motivate a struggling student?
  • How do you build positive relationships with students and parents?

My best advice would be to have a plan ready to share the type of management system you have used or plan to use in your future classroom. Read this blog post to learn more about my exact classroom management plan. Give examples of how you have handled severe student behavior in the past (including following up with parents), and make sure you don’t leave that interview without every person in the room knowing that you genuinely love children and will ensure a safe place for them to learn.

My BEST Teacher Interview Tips


Tip #4 Ask Away! – At the end of your interview, you will be asked if you have any questions for the interview committee. DO NOT SAY NO! Districts like to see initiative and interest from their applicants. You could ask questions like:

  • What math/reading programs do you use?
  • Do you have an induction program to support new teachers?
  • What does your teacher evaluation system look like?
  • Do you have a school-wide behavior program?
  • Is there a behavior specialist or counselor on-site to support with classroom behaviors?

Tip #5 Don’t Settle! – You are interviewing the district just as much as they are interviewing you! Make sure that you know the ins and outs of what you are committing to if you accept a position with a district. Remember, there is a nationwide teacher shortage, teaching can be extremely hard at times, and you want to set yourself up for success at the best school possible. Don’t settle! It’s okay to shop around.

I hope that these tips will help you know exactly what to say in a teacher interview so you can land the job of your dreams! If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments, and make sure to download my FREE Classroom Management Start-Up Guide below to help you prepare even further for those tricky classroom management questions.

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